Sunday, June 27, 2010

Time out Facebook...You Make Me Sick.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about people's political views, religious views, and all the other crap that people talk about especially when it involves sports. Yuck.

The other thing I found annoying was FB sharing my information with the WWW and there was the potential of my friends sharing my information with the world that I did not appreciate. So after readjusting my privacy settings (again and again) I stopped the madness. Oh and the other thing that was dumb was if you created a page you couldn't pass over the rights to another admin person. I waited weeks for this to happen and apparently there were a lot of frustrated people who were trying to do the same thing for over a year. Then finally the FB folks granted our wish and that was the last piece of the puzzle I was waiting for so I could leave.

So if I need to chat with a friend I will contact them through email or with a phone call. Just like in the good old days. 

I guess if I ever want to go back I will start over with a new account but for now I am FB free.

1 comment:

  1. So glad I never opted for a Facebook account. I have managed to avoid it and MySpace and continue to feel happy about this decision. Too many horror stories.
